Thoughts on consumption

The majority of modern life is spent consuming stuff.

Lately I’ve been thinking about the extent of my own consumption.

I’ve come to two conclusions:

  1. I need to consume less. Much less.

  2. I need to consumer better. Only top quality.

1. Consume less

Create > Consume

If all you do is consume, you never live.

I cannot remember the last time I was bored. This is an issue.

All of humanity's problems stem from man's inability to sit quietly in a room alone. — Pascal

I have done many boring things. Most of university was boring. However, I was constantly doing something. Always active, never inactive.

When consumption is no longer the default, idle time become abundant.

Embrace boredom every once in a while.

2. Consume better

Input <> Output

Lately I’ve been thinking about this elemental relationship.

The quality of the input determines the quality of the output.

I think this applies to everything (food, information, entertainment etc.)

Hence, strive to limit the input to the top quality.


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